Saturday, December 31, 2011
5 minutes- PLEASE HELP with your time
to everyone who believes in what is best for kids,
to everyone who thinks our government can go too far from common sense,
to everyone with a soul:
50 minutes ago, a 2 year-old child in my city was given to her biological father whom she had never met.
The reason: even though he did not want anything to do with her from her birth and signed away his rights, even though her parents raised her from birth, he is 1% Cherokee (making the girl less than 1% Cherokee) and he used a 1978 law designed to keep Native American families together. He has no relationship with his other two children (by other mothers) but suddenly after 2 years, he wants this girl back.
I am afraid for this child and heartbroken for her family.
Read the full story by clicking here:
You can help by signing a petition and writing your senator.
This must be a form of child abuse.
Monday, December 26, 2011
1 Year Ago, The Day After Christmas

Sunday, December 25, 2011
Friday, December 9, 2011
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Abigail Decides: Cribs Are SO Last Week
This week, for seemingly no reason at all apparent to us, Abigail has decided that she is too grown up for her crib. Abigail loves to play hard and loves to go to sleep for nap and at the end of the day. Sometimes even asks to go to sleep.
But no longer in her crib.
She informed me of this decision Sunday night. After reading together for a while, I tried to lift her and put her into her crib but she slid out of my lap, laid on the floor and said "Abigail no crib. Abigail sleep down floor." I asked her if she was sure and she nodded vigorously and said "yes" and curled up with her beloved Blankie on the floor as if to show me she was serious. I asked her if she wanted her other blankets on the floor, and she did. When I leaned over her and kissed her, she got a huge smile, obviously very proud that she was allowed to sleep on the floor.
From downstairs, I heard Abigail kick the floor a few times, an old habit of hers to put herself to sleep when she is excited. Then she slept all night on the floor. She hardly moved a muscle. (I know this because I checked on her nearly every hour all night to make sure she was okay!)
At 5:30, we heard a happy "bunny awake" yell from her room. When I went to greet her, she was grinning like the cat that caught the canary, obviously pleased with herself for sleeping on the floor all night.
When Larry got home tonight, he went into Abigail's room and saw her asleep on her mattress on the floor. He asked what was going on and I told him that she won't go in her crib, and after a half-hearted bid for sleeping in our "big bed", Abigail wanted her mattress on the floor.
Larry said "It is amazing that she makes decisions all on her own."
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Growing Up In One Day
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Sunday Snapshot: The Long Weekend

Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Letter To An Unknown Birth Mother
I know you must be beautiful, because she is gorgeous. You must be intelligent, because she is quick to learn and very very clever. I know you have a big heart because you loved her enough to give her a chance at life when you couldn't give her that chance yourself, and you should know, she has your huge heart. Experts might say that a just-turned-2 year old is not capable of empathy, but when someone she loves is feeling sad or sick, she readily shares her toys or hugs, trying to elicit a smile. In fact, she is full of smiles, songs, hugs and kisses, giggles, teases and creativity. She is athletic and coordinated, a good dancer. She loves learning and reading and is fiercely independent but sweetly vulnerable.
Thank you a million times over for the gift of your daughter. Our daughter.
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Saturday, October 8, 2011
Henan Kids Calendar
Abigail was from Henan Province.
We are part of a network of families with kids from Henan.
There 14 orphanages in Henan, all with 50-200+ kids in them.
A new Lily Orphan Care Center (a really good American established orphanage) is being built.
Henan Kids International, a non-profit that sends all money to the orphans in Henan is selling these calendars for a fundraiser. Last year $4000 were raised. This year the goal is $6000.
I know you are going to get a calendar anyhow, and yes, these are about twice as much as a Wal Mart calendar, but beautiful Henan kids are on every page. (Abigail is on 3 pages!) Please consider buying one to support kids just like Abigail, but who haven't been as lucky as her to find a home.
Click Here for Calendars
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Wordless Wednesday - A Day Late and 3 Weeks Behind
(I know these are words and Wednesdays should just be pictures, but I just want to explain that Larry moonlighted in an orchestra pit for the musical Chicago for the past month so as the acting single parent of the household, pictures, blogging, email, leg-shaving, exercise, and all other activities were pretty much on hold!)
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
The More You Know: Joy & Sorrow in the Eyes of a Toddler
This past weekend, Abigail had a wonderful visit with her Uncle Dean (my brother) and Aunt Kim (his wife). Kim happens to be Korean, which in Abigail's eyes means the two of them are the same. Though I thought toddlers are color-blind, Abigail is drawn to women with olive complexions and black hair.
Sunday, August 28, 2011
The End of Summer
The daytime weather will probably remain hot for another month (fine with me) but the mornings are a cool 70-something now. Summer is also over in the sense that we are all back at school/work again until the end of May 2012.
Saturday, August 13, 2011
The daughter I always pictured in my mind
People who have known me for a long time are aware that I have always wanted to adopt children ever since I was old enough to form an educated opinion on the subject of having children. Adoption was always my first choice for having a family and I was fortunate enough to marry a man who also thought it was a great idea. I was told by others it was a “phase” and I would want biological children eventually.
As I was watching my daughter with wonder the other day, I took her in with my eyes and realized that she is exactly who I pictured she would be. When my younger self pictured my future daughter, she always looked exactly like this:
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Monday, August 1, 2011
Reunion with fellow Adoptee!!
With their old friends still in our home city, K and S brought their children for a vacation to visit and we got to see them for the afternoon. It was fun and interesting to watch Abigail and their daughter, E interact with each other. When E crawled comfortably in my lap (a very loving and affectionate child), Abigail went crazy with jealousy. Abigail, who just last week really started picking up on the concept of “mine,” was not interested in sharing her people, toys or house with such a close rival!
I really enjoyed talking to S, as though we were old friends; it was so easy, I suppose, because we sort of share one very intimate part of each other's lives, however brief the experience was. What I probably enjoyed the most, though, was seeing how much E has grown and changed since we last saw her in January. Seven months ago she was very withdrawn. Now she is a curious preschooler, almost 2 years older than Abigail, and her command of the English language is amazing. (I could understand her when she spoke. No one but family can yet understand Abigail!) E really seems thoughtful, introspective, patient and observant about her world. She was the kind of kid who always seems to be thinking something and you just want to know what is going through that head!

At the end of the day, S and I agreed that we are the two luckiest families with two of the most amazing girls ever! (We do know we are a slight bit biased!) We tried to get the girls to pose for a picture together to commemorate the reunion, but they had other ideas. Abigail scowled for about 40 of the 47 pics we tried and E was busy examining other neat things in our yard. Kids really are a blessing!!
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Our Little Bookworm
Anyhow, this is how we found her this evening after she fell asleep:
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Happy Match Day!!!
Happy match day, Kiddo!
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Bleeding Heart, for Grover

Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Happy Baba's Day