Recently, Dinosaur's relationship with Abigail has evolved. While he is still a great playmate, he can also exasperate Abigail. In the middle of a quiet family dinner, she may suddenly burst out with "DINOSAUR! You need to finish. Your. Dinner. You did not ask to be es'cused!" Or she may sigh dramatically and roll her eyes "Dinosaur is frustrating to me. He keeps breaking all of my toys." And very lately, Dinosaur has taken on the role of Abigail's scapegoat. When Larry asked Abigail where she hid a package he needed to mail, she didn't even look up from her puzzle to say "You'll have to ask Dinosaur. He was playing with it last." Or when I requested that Abigail stop resetting the timers on our lights, she said flatly "Dinosaur did it, not me."
Of course we were beyond excited to finally have a picture of this fickle and elusive friend!