This past week, we took a 3-day vacation to our old haunting grounds in Charleston, SC. It was, as Larry described, "bittersweet" to be back where our home was for over 26 combined years. We stayed with friends who lived a few streets over from our old home. We ran our old running route through the neighborhood. We took Abigail to her old playground and park. We met up with many old and dear friends.
We had a few "surprises" for Abigail, who kept declaring "I love vacation!"

One day, we arranged for her to have a lead-rope guided horse ride at Middleton Plantation. Her horse, old and decrepit and wrinkly around the muzzle was presented to her and she gasped "Oh! He is SO beautiful." His name was JP and Larry was given the lead rope to guide her around for her 35 minute ride. He was more interested in munching grass than following Larry, but sweet Abigail, with her last 2 minutes of time said 'Go back to the grass Baba to give JP a thank you for me riding him.'
On another day, in-between the frequent bursts of rain that kept happening and were just long enough to get things wet and disrupt outdoor activities, we surprised Abigail with a trip to "Shell Beach" on James Island (really Peter Demetre Beach or something like that). She had a fun time digging holes.
When asked about her favorite part of the vacation, Abigail said "Staying in this (the Watkins') house." I guess she has really missed these friends.