Sunday morning started out a little drizzly, but eventually we made our way to a local pumpkin patch to enjoy the festivities. We started out with the requisite faces-behind-the-cutouts pictures.
Then Abigail climbed on round bales that were laid side by side and up to 2 high. And she climbed some more. And she climbed some more after that. As she continued to climb, she became more and more brave until she was jumping off the tops and landing on more hay below. And then she climbed even more!
Abigail also "milked" a cow. She was very persistent at this.
Then she climbed on the round bales some more.
We finally convinced her to say good bye to the hay when we bought organic burgers and dogs from the farm to eat for a late lunch.
It was a really fun day and I am glad that Abigail got to share it with 2 of her 3 grandparents.