Sunday, February 25, 2018

Sunday Snapshot(s)

Happy Year of the Dog

I love finding an old brick wall when I have a camera with me

I told them to look grown up.
They pretended to have cell phones.

Grunge Frame

Monday, February 5, 2018

It is good to have goals, by Abigail

Abigail is eight and in grade 3.  Lately, she has been really doing a great job taking care of her dog.  She cuddles it, reads with it, pets it.  It is the first thing she wants to see in the morning.  She often considers her dog's point of view on matters.  She has it do tricks and she feeds it.  The change has been sudden, and I thought it was because she wanted to get a new dog in December but we told her to just be better with the dog she has.

Most weeks, Abigail's teacher sends home work from the past week or month and we look through it and recycle 99% or more of it (kids generate SO much paperwork).  Last week, a banner-foldable came home with her that she did at the beginning of January.  On it, she answered questions about the year, old and new.

Here are her answers:
The best part of 2017 was:  I got to go to New York City
Something I am going to stop doing:  Hitting my brother when we fight
School Goals: To read a little faster.  To do money better. To do math better. To be good.
Personal Goal: I hope to treat my dog better.
                         --- And there it is!