Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Junior Kindergarten "Graduation"

Abigail "graduated" from Junior Kindergarten today.  What I loved about the program was that they didn't pretend that it was something that it wasn't.  They didn't dress the kids up in gowns and cardboard hats and parade them around to Pomp and Circumstance.  The teacher said some wonderful things about "returning" the kids to us, a few pounds heavier, a few  inches taller, with a few letters and sounds in their minds and a few more social skills in their repertoire.  It made more than half of the room of parents and relatives tear up at least a little. It was very sweet, nostalgia-inducing stuff.

Then the kids sang some songs about things they learned ("I can sing and I can paint; I know to say not instead of ain't" and "I'm ready to learn to read and write; I learned to share and not to fight!").  Adorable!!

Abigail and her best friend, singing together
We hope they stay friends for 13 more years: the other girl
is SUCH a good kid and we love her so much!!!
One song that they sang was apparently a big secret (they were instructed not to practice it at home) called "The World Is A Rainbow" with some wonderful lyrics for children about acceptance and love.  ("Now you be you, and I'll be me; that's the way we're meant to be... The world is beautiful when we live in harmony.")  Super sweet, innocent, child-stuff and I got to live blissfully in that virtuous, wholesome world again for 30 or 40 minutes this evening.  

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